I think im getting really close to finishing this game? Lowkey I've been putting this off for a couple days bc it's felt a little overwhelming, but I just sat down and knocked out a couple things, and it turns out I really don't have too much left to do.
Today I made the intro screen nice(r), by making the "click to start" text responsive to your mouse, instead of just being flat. And then originally I had the game over screen be it's own scene to swap to in godot, but I changed it so instead it functions like the pause menu. Also instead of a stupid stock sound effect when you lose, I have it so that the original music plays with a lowpass filter over it. Fixed a couple bugs on top of that, and I need to call it a night. It's about 10:44pm here, and i'm already cutting into sleep hours before work tomorrow. Not to mention laundry I need to put away, and Lyv's already sleeping so I'll need to wake her up... (I don't feel bad though since she has tomorrow off for President's Day, and I don't >:( )
Anyway, things are coming along. Once it's at a good state I'll have some friends playtest it, then put it up here!